Senior Care
Quality and Standards Made Simple

CDC Report of Accidental Falls

What you can do to prevent falls.

Learn More

More than 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury.
Senior Care & Nursing Facilities
The AssurUs suite provides a comprehensive set of tools to support the unique needs for maintaining the highest standards of care for elderly patients. These tools can provide your organization the standards and reliability in patient safety that is expected in the healthcare industry.
The AssurUs Quality Self-Assessment Tool lets your team continuously assess compliance against globally-recognized standards of care for seniors, and allows you to import your own standards into the tool.

The AssurUs Corrective Action Tool lets you formulate a plan to target areas for improvement whether it is to reduce risk of falls or to address instances of Healthcare-Acquired Infections (HAI) which are commonly found in nursing homes. Our tools let you track your progress with the standards and target specific areas in reducing these risks--with a color-coded “at a glance” compliance dashboard.

The AssurUs Checklist Tool allows your organization to use evidence-based checklists for senior care such as those for medication safety and urinary catheter infection control to minimize patient safety concerns. Many long term residential care settings use patient safety executive walkarounds as part of their overall goal in building a culture of patient safety.

The AssurUs Patient Safety Executive Walkaround Tool supports your executive team in this endeavor. Used together, the suite of AssurUs tools allows you to demonstrate to seniors in your care and their loved ones, your commitment to providing quality care.
Tool Highlights
No Obligation-You can try the tools without any obligation.
Pre-loaded Standards-The standards are pre-loaded into the system and nothing needs to be installed on your computer so you can get started right away.
Low Cost-AssurUs provides low cost, web-based tools to perform a self-assessment and corrective action plan.
Customizable Reports-A report of your compliance is automatically generated following your self-assessment.
Corrective Action Planning-Areas of non-compliance automatically feed into the AssurUs Corrective Action Tool, allowing you to create a plan to address any shortfalls before being assessed by an external accreditation survey team, CMS or HIQA inspection team.

Standards of Care

Elderly Standards of Care differ from country to country. We have identified some of the many references for your assistance.


Older Adult Fall Prevention

The CDC-STEDI's tools and education materials to assist with fall and accident prevention in elderly care.
CDC-STEDI-Learn More

World Health Organization

Elderly Care & Integrated Practices

The WHO policy and practice recommendations for integrated care of elderly patients.
WHO-Learn More

(Centers for Medicare & Medicade Services)

Eldery Care

CMS information for the Nursing Home Quality Initiative for elderly care.

CMS (Nursing Home Initiative)
CMS Nursing Home-Learn More

OECD Policy

Eldery Care Policy

OECD has produced a policy document to discuss how care of the elderly can be improved and sustained.

OECD (Elderly Care Policy)
OECD-Learn More

Government Policy

Elderly Care & Integrated Practices

Several governments have implemented healthcare accreditation standards specifically for the care of seniors.

Australian Government (Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission)
Australian Government-Learn More

Irish Government (Health Information and Quality Authority)
Irish Government-Learn More

United States (Information on Survey Protocols for Nursing Homes)
United States Government-Learn More

Corrective Action

Patient Safety Walkaround

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