Data Analytics

Data Analytics
Actionable insights from your raw data
AssurUs specializes in the analysis of regulatory and standards compliance data. We provide custom data analytic solutions to benefit government regulators, patient advocacy groups, media organizations and industry representative bodies.

Dashboards & Data Analysis

Identify key data points
AssurUs Data Analytics- can leverage data from government regulators such as CMS (US), HIQA (Ireland), Care Quality Commission (England), Care Inspectorate (Scotland) and apply state of the art analytic techniques to reveal trends and metrics that would otherwise remain hidden.
Decision Making-Our automated tools allow for timely analysis of newly released reports. These trends and metrics are critical for stakeholders to make data-informed decisions.
Customizable Dashboard-We design custom dashboards to improve the quality of decisions made by leaders in health and social care.

Geo-Trends and Analytics

Geographically analyze data trends
AssurUs map visualizations use geo-coding to provide regional insights into your data and unlock geographical trends that may otherwise remain hidden.
AssurUs Self-Assessment

AssurUs Quality Assessment: Assess your current level of compliance against globally recognized sets of standards or upload your own. At the end of your assessment a report of your compliance is automatically produced which can be shared internally or even with your accrediting organization.

Pre-Loaded Standards
"Compliance Sumary At a Glance"
Smart Report
Task Assignment
Multiple Focus Surveys
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
AssurUs Corrective Action

AssurUs Corrective Action Plan (CAP): allows you to develop a corrective action plan along with a staff education strategy and compliance monitoring.

Seamless Integration Data Flow
CAP Analysis Smart Selection
Staff Education Plan
Compliance Tracking
Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
AssurUs Checklist

Checklists: Based on the success in reducing catastrophic human error many facilities now use checklists to minimize medical errors.

Easy Setup-Use Pre-set Checklists like WHO Safe Surgery or formulate your own.
Technology Innovation-The technology that minimizes errors in the aviation industry is now saving lives in healthcare.
Dashboard-Track compliance by department and/or operational unit.
Tablet Support-for ease of use by teams and staff members.

Standards of Care

Standards of Care differ from country to country. We have identified a few of the many references for your assistance.


Older Adult Fall Prevention

The CDC-STEDI's tools and education materials to assist with fall and accident prevention in elderly care.
CDC-STEDI-Learn More

World Health Organization

Elderly Care & Integrated Practices

The WHO policy and practice recommendations for integrated care of elderly patients.
WHO-Learn More


Child Care Policy

CMS has published a set of Children's Healthcare Qualtiy Measurements documents to discuss how children's care and safety can be improved and sustained.

Child Care Policy
Learn More


Child Healthcare Quality

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) makes recommendations for Child Healthcare Quality for improving quality of delivery of care.

Patient Safety and Best Practice
Learn More


Standards Best Practices for Children and Young Adolescents

The World Health Organization has produced standards and best practices for care of children and young adolescents in healthcare facilities. WHO provides guidance to ensure that pediatric healthcare is evidence-based, safe and effective.

WHO Child Care Safety and Best Practices
Learn More


Health Information and Quality Authority

HIQA is an independent authority that exists to improve health and social care services for the children of Ireland

Children’s Residential Settings:
Learn More
Corrective Action

Patient Safety Walkaround

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