Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities

AssurUs Hospital Self-Assessment

The AssurUs team has worked extensively with hospitals of all sizes to help these organizations monitor and improve the standard of care that they provide to patients in the communities they serve. The AssurUs tools draw on our many years of experience helping hospitals, accrediting organizations and healthcare quality consultants raise the level of quality and patient safety for those served by healthcare organizations throughout the world. Whether you are an accredited hospital or clinic considering undertaking the path to accreditation, or simply want to measure your current level of performance and take corrective action, the AssurUs suite is designed to help you be successful on this journey.

Tracking your compliance with national standards for quality and standards of care has never been easier while providing the ability to identify problems and areas at issue before they occur. AssurUs is so rubust and flexible an organization can choose to have multiple focus surveys being conducted any time.

The AssurUs suite is here to help you reach your quality goals.

AssurUs Tools

Quality Assessment: You can choose to assess your current level of compliance against globally recognized sets of standards e.g. CMS Conditions of Participation in the United States or HIQA Standards for Better Safer Healthcare in Ireland. You can even upload standards or policies and procedures that you developed for your own organization. At the end of your assessments a report of your compliance is automatically produced which can be shared internally or even with your accrediting organization.
Pre-Loaded Standards or load your own: assess your compliance with pre-loaded standards such as CMS Conditions of Participation, or upload your own standards or policies and procedures.
"At a Glance" compliance summary: quickly ascertain your compliance to selected standards with easy-to-read color-coded summaries.
Smart Report- Automatically generate a report showing details of compliance and areas needing improvement.
Task Assignment- Allows an organization to assign tasks to staff members to address areas of non-compliance or improvement before they warrant a Corrective Action Plan.
Multiple Focus Surveys- Provides an organization the ability to conduct multiple focus surveys concurrently giving a greater ability to improve standards of safety and patient care.
Corrective Action- Integrates seamlessly with AssurUs Corrective Action tool.
Corrective Action: Any areas of non-compliance in your quality assessment automatically trigger a corrective action (you can also assign tasks to your team for minor corrective actions). The tool allows you to develop a corrective action plan along with a staff education strategy and compliance monitoring.
Seamless Integration-Data flows directly into Corrective Action Plan from the Quality Assessment.
Analysis-Corrective Action Plan (CAP) has a smart selection tool which allows organizations to select a subset of non-compliance items for a full Corrective Action Reporting Plan.
Plan-CAP allows the organization to identify the areas for improvement, changes to the process, identify the tools to be used and the steps to be taken for staff education.
Take Action-implement the plan and track progress of details for Corrective Action, Education Plan and Compliance Plan
Summary- collection of data and plan for improvements, identify team leaders to implement a plan.
Compliance Tracking - can include the tools to address the issues, checklists, education tools, PowerPoint training guides, spreadsheets etc.
Staff Education - staff compliance education.
(KPI's) Key Performance Indicators-to understand your performance in achieving quality goals.
Checklists: Based on the success in reducing catastrophic human error in the aviation industry, many hospitals now use checklists to minimize medical errors which are now the third leading cause of death in the United States. Our tool is pre-populated with many checklists that are globally recognized as important in improving patient safety such as WHO Safe Surgery Checklist and Safe Childbirth Checklist. The tool lets you develop your own checklists and monitor ongoing compliance.
Easy Setup-Use Pre-set Checklists like WHO Safe Surgery or formulate your own.
Technology Innovation-The technology that minimizes errors in the aviation industry is now saving lives in healthcare.
Dashboard-Track compliance by department and/or operational unit.
Tablet Support-for ease of use by teams and staff members.
Patient Safety Executive Walkaround: It is widely recognized that hospital executives who hear directly from staff about risks to patient safety and obstacles to effective performance of duties, are more likely to enact the changes needed to improve overall quality in the healthcare organization. The AssurUs Patient Safety Walkaround Tool lets you use any of several pre-populated executive walkaround templates or customize your own. The tool records responses from one survey to the next so that positive process changes can be monitored.
Connect Staff-a widely recognized method of connecting executives with middle management and those directly involved in providing care to patients.
Track Improvement over time in staff’s view of patient safety and operational effectiveness.
Preloaded Survey Questions-Tool includes survey questions or customize your own for your organization improvements.
Improve Excellence of Care-Provide the ability to identify and put into action areas of improvement identified by staff performing services.
Quality and Standards Made Simple


Conducting ongoing self-assessment surveys reduce the likelihood of adverse events while improving patient safety!

●Hospitals ●Surgical Centers
●Immediate Care ●Long Term Care Facilities
●Child Care Facilities ●Dialysis and Blood Centers
●Maternity Hospitals ●Nursing and Elderly Care Facilities
●Childrens Hospitals ●Rehabilitation Facilities
●Clinical Labs ●Emergency Serivces
CDC-Johns Hopkins Article → Learn More

Facilities and Standards of Care

Standards of Care differ from country to country. We have identified some of the many references for your assistance.


(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality )

Best Practices Clinical Audit

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) makes recommendations for best practice in Clinical Audit for healthcare quality improving the delivery of care.

Patient Safety and Best Practice
Learn More
Quality Indicators
Learn More


The World Health Organization has published resources to help hospitals improve quality of healthcare service delivery.

Learn More

HAI (Heathcare Assocatiated Infections)

CDC & ODPHP Plan and Prevention

The CDC has compiled data and statistics associated with prevention and policy to reduce the risk of HAI.
CDC HAI-Stopping Infections
Learn More

CDC HAI-Infection Types
HAI Types-Learn More

The ODPHP Health.Gov has created an action plan to assist with the prevention of HAI.
ODPHP-National Action Plan for Prenvention of HAI
Learn More

Government Policy

Patient Safety and Standards

Several governments have implemented healthcare accreditation standards specifically for the care of seniors.

Australian Government (Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission)
Australian Government-Learn More

Irish Government (Health Information and Quality Authority) Hospitals
Irish Government-Hospital-Learn More

Corrective Action

Patient Safety Walkaround

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