

• The technology that minimizes errors in the aviation industry is now saving lives in healthcare!

See how Corrective Action can assist in improving better patient outcomes and safety!
Dynamic Checklist Tools
The AssurUs Checklist Tool allows the organization to use standard checklists such as the WHO Safe Surgery Checklist, WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist, as well as custom checklists, to improve patient safety. The tool allows management to track compliance with the checklists throughout the organization.
Checklists can be associated with a particular standard which gives the organzation better patient safety control.  If a checklist compliance issue is found and the checklist item is related to a standard, the item will be flagged in the Self-Assessment Tool
●Safe Surgery
●Catheter & Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)
●Central Line Instertion
●Adverse Drug Events (ADEs)
●Surgical Sight Infections (SSIs)
●Safe Childbirth
●Fall Injuries/Immobilities
●Preventable Readmission

Checklists and Quality of Care

Checklists in healthcare are a vital resouce in patient safety. Many of the best practices are now utilized thoughout the healthcare industry. We have identified some of the many references for your assistance.

World Health Organization

Safe Surgery Practice

WHO Safe Surgery Saves Lives Program: a guide to using checklists to reduce death and injury due to medical error.
Learn More

New England Journal of Medicine

Statistics of Safe Surgery Checklist

The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of implementing WHO surgery checklist showing a decrease in both rate of death and medical complications following implementation.

Statistics of Safe Surgery Checklist
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Central Line Checklist

Clinical Study

Dr. Peter Pronovost provides a checklist protocol to reduce infections in central venous catheter insertions.

Central Line Checklist (Clinical study of effectiveness)
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Corrective Action

Patient Safety Walkaround

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